The Futuristic Wild West

Dandelion Iron Cover

Dandelion Iron will be released on April 11, 2016. You can pre-order it now through Amazon.

Cavatica Weller is attending a boarding school in Cleveland to become an electrical engineer while family is back in Burlington, Colorado running the ranch. She’s from the Juniper, an area encompassing five states, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, and Montana, along with parts of the surrounding states. During the Sino-American War the Chinese launched an EMP over Yellowstone causing the area to forever be without electricity. This same war caused sterility in 90% of all males.

When Cavvy’s mother dies, she is taken home by her sister, Wren, to aid in a cattle drive to save the ranch from foreclosure. Traveling through the Juniper takes you back to a time where land barons fight one another for control, outlaws are everywhere, and a good gun, a good horse, and hard living are the norm. At age sixteen, Cavvy has to grow up quickly and help keep her family alive. Will she live up to the challenge, especially after a viable boy joins their group?

Ritchey’s first book in The Juniper Wars series, Dandelion Iron, is a refreshing, fast-paced, post-apocalyptic novel. The characters are very well developed and quite diverse. The setting is described so vividly that you feel as though you are actually there. Being a young adult novel, it has some teenage angst and romance thrown into the mix. 5 out of 5 stars.

I received this book for free from the author for review consideration. This in no way affected my opinion of the book, or the content of my review.

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